Depending on how you communicate with us, we collect and store various types of information (name, shipping address, billing
address, phone number, email address, credit card information, etc.) necessary to complete a transaction. For example, we
collect information you provide to us when you place an order, request an open account (to use a purchase order), send us an
email, or contact us by phone.

We may occasionally use this information to communicate with our customers about products or special offers/discounts. If you
do not want to receive these communications, please contact us.

The customer information we obtain will NEVER be sold or shared with any person(s) or parties in any way.

Stripe has been audited by a PCI-certified auditor and is certified to PCI Service Provider Level 1. This is the most stringent level of certification available in the payments industry. To accomplish this, we make use of best-in-class security tools and practices to maintain a high level of security.